In the aviation sector we are used for a range of calibration.
Our flying Partners and MRO’S use us to calibrate and validate service tools used for maintenance hangars at airports across the UK. In addition we also check fuelling systems for making sure they are running smoothly. Premcal offer on-site calibration at hangars across the country, our clients value this service due to them needing fast turnaround to keep to a maintenance schedule.
MRO Services
With our fully trained Technicians we provide that essential support service for the Hanger/Workshop repair and maintenance operators (MRO’s)
Often with our bespoke fully compliant mobile laboratory on the clients site keeping equipment down time to a minimum in a fast delivery high pressured delivery environment

Specialist Operators
Info coming soon

Airport Support Services
Info coming soon.

How Can We
About Us
Find out more about us and our visions and values.
Need more info? We’ve put together some commonly asked questions to help.
If you you’re interested in working with us, why not get in touch and see how we can help you today.
We work in partnership with companies in all of these sectors

Track and Rolling Stock
& Operators
We cover the full spectrum of calibration to all disciplines in the Rail Sector from those providing the track and OHL to run the Network to the buffet car microwave.

Terminal to Hanger-Our calibration reaches all parts. Both air and non-air side at airports moving through to maintainers hangers and specialist aerospace manufacturers facilities.

Our service delivery to the Medical arena is wide covering NHS & Private Hospitals; Pharmaceutical/Care Homes/Clinics and much more.

At the Engineering Cutting edge Motor Sport demands new thinking much of the time and we are proud to be part of these teams.
We don’t just solve problems, we form lasting working relationships
We work with our partners to streamline project plans that don’t just deliver on product perfection, but also delivers on time.
Discuss a new service partnership with us.
We have and continue to forge great professional partnerships on projects.